
I suck!

Well this is entirely embarassing but I messed up my cuts pretty badly when I made the beveled angles. I loaned a co-worker my table saw and tried to do it the wrong way. Since I was short of boards and I had ended up using the templates, I pretty much gave up!

I went online and eMail Scott over at MAMERooms.com and asked if there was a way that he could special-order a cut of the wood with the laminate and ship it to me. Not only did he say yes but he mentioned that they had just finished up the prototype to do just that! I may well have been his first customer!

Well I ordered it and he was very generous and gave me a discount on what I spent on the template (I didn't even think to ask for that).

It arrived yesterday so here is what I am going to do. I am going to finish putting it together and write up a review on how it was put together and everything involved and post it here.


Project can FINALLY BEGIN!

Well I finally got my garage all cleaned up! Now I can mess it up all over again with this project! I am taking all of next week off of work and will spend most of my time getting everything up and going on the VMJ.

I am still uncertain as to the best way to cut the wood. I bought the template but can't decide if I want to use it as a guide or take it apart and use it to trace onto the wood. I may want to use it again in the future so I think I will just use it as a guide and sight-cut everything with the usual tools.